ACA Why Study Abroad

Here are some (but not all) reasons to study abroad:

  • Get university credits for many courses, including some general
    education courses (check our course catalog online)
  • Become more valuable to an employer by mastering fluency in
    another language.
  • Immerse yourself in a foreign country and learn a new language
  • Think outside the box and diversify your educational experience
  • Dream bigger and expand your career opportunities
  • Amplify visibility when applying for graduate programs
  • Discover new skills and passions
  • Enjoy awesome adventures and collect incredible
    personal stories
  • Find the love of your life
  • Study and travel for a very affordable price
  • Become a world traveler
  • Get in touch with your family’s ancestral roots
  • Deepen your spiritual life
  • Expand your horizons and become a world changer