Almost 60 years after our story began, Adventist Colleges Abroad remains one of the most powerful mission tools within the NAD Education department. Every year we are blessed to witness the conversion and transformation of many of our students during, or as a result of, their time in our programs.

Our faculty and staff nurture each student as they immerse themselves in a new culture and language, and mentor them through the self-discovery that this form of education enables. As a result, our students return home with more confidence, maturity, and a greater commitment to their studies—having discovered new skills and passions while abroad.

But most importantly, the process of living outside their comfort zones often ignites in our students a deeper love for God. Such unique and meaningful experiences, obtained in the tender years of early adulthood, can greatly impact a student’s life and direction. That is why we invite you to partner with us to help us offer scholarships that will allow more students to access these study abroad programs.

To be a part of our story and our mission financially, please contact us at

First and foremost, we believe our ACA alumni have the power to inspire and encourage new students to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Therefore, alumni, we would love to reconnect with you. Go ahead and CLICK HERE . We appreciate you! 🙂